Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Crocheted Scarf

So for Rachael's Week 1 of her 52 Weeks, she decided to learn how to crochet.

My grandmother taught me to crochet back when I was maybe 10 or 11.  I didn't do much with it then.  In college, I picked up the practice again but stopped again around finals time.  Then last year for Christmas, I was really short on funds so everyone (Mom, Dad, Brother, Boyfriend, his Mom) got a homemade scarf instead.  I began to work on one for Miss Rachael, but then started a new job and things got crazy so I stopped again.

Since I know how to crochet, Rachael came over and I taught her the basics- chains, single, half double, double, and half triple stitches galore.

And for the first time in about 9 months, I picked up crocheting again.

It may be cheating to have just finished something previously started but ah well.

It's an infinity scarf done in a pattern I'd found on Google.  I have no idea what it had been called or how to find it again.  If I find it in my history, I'll definitely post it because I think its a gorgeous pattern.

Here's a brief description but is in no way a decent tutorial or such:

I used Caron Simply Soft black yard.  I got 2 rolls which were 2 skeins worth each and used most of it.  The yarn suggests a size H-8 5mm hook but I used a G size instead because it was working better for me.

To start, you chain to an amount that when you subtract 2, is divisible by 3. So I chained 26, because 24 is divisible by 3. After chaining your bottom row, you chain 4 extra to account for the height of the stitches you'll use for the next row.  You skip those 4 turning chains, and SKIP 1 ADDITIONAL STITCH.  Then do a triple crochet into the next hole (the 2nd one you'd ordinarily use).  Then do another triple into the one after that (the 3rd).  Next, do a double crochet into the first hole- that one you skipped in the beginning.  It create these looping clusters that I think are absolutely adorable.  Repeat til the end of the row and then do a regular triple crochet to king of form the ends on either side of the bracket.  Repeat for rows 2 through however long. I made 8 clusters across and I think it ended up being 80 rows long - bringing the scarf to about 5 feet.

<- Finished, folded up

Close up of Clusters->

Last night, Rachael finally received her very belated Christmas gift.  I'd feel worse about how belated it was if she ever got me anything :-P (she claims she did but I'm going to continue to poke fun at her anyway)

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