Tuesday, September 24, 2013

52 Weeks

One of my closest friends, Rachael, has decided to embark upon an adventure for the next 52 weeks.  Every week for the next year, she wants to try something new.

Her reasons for wanting to do this aside, I think this was a completely amazing idea.

I know when I first made this blog about 7 months ago, I was claiming to want to try more new recipes and wanting a place to keep them all.  Well clearly - that didn't end up panning out as well as I'd hoped.  In my defense, it's been a crazy 7 months.  Sorted out relationship issues, my supervisor quit work without notice, moved twice in 2 months, tried searching for a better job - lots on my figurative plate left not as much time to pay attention to what was actually on my literal plate.

But not this time.

I've got about 2,000 pins on Pinterest (yes, I know I'm excessive) of recipes and craft ideas and just about everything else you can imagine.  And anytime I flip through them, I feel discouraged by my own lack of trying to actually do any of them.

But not this time.

I may not end up following Rachael's one different thing a week, every week, for a whole year thing.  But she has inspired me to try to.  I just know that I always feel loads better after completing a project or trying a new recipe.  So rather than just sit around watching TV, I hope to try to actually accomplish something, if only trying a new recipe or crocheting a hat.

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